Rememboring James Earle Jones

We hear at On Cinema want to take a moment to pause and remember the passing of James Earl Jones.


James Earl Jones was born in Mississippi and later became an actor, playing the roll of Darth Vader in Star Wars.


Vader was introduced, originally, in Episode 4 in 1977, a villainous man who wore a black suit run by computers and an oxygen tank and was the nemisis of Luke Skywalker.  It was later discovered that Dark Vader was Lou Skywalker’s father.


This was perhaps the last “great” character from George Lucas, who later stole characters from other productions, namely the Code Breaker which he stole from a character I created:  Agent Kingston, the code breaker from our own show “Decker”.


But, the Star War franchise keeps on rolling without anybody doing anything to stop it.  Disney has become too powerful, and even the state of Florida has been unable to topple this colossass which is just their to make money hand over fist. Forilda should worry more about this as far as stopping Disney from running amok than they do about DEI etc. 


Disney has even changed some of there rides at the amusement parks do to ‘woke culture’. Sad to see.


Rest in peace, James Earl Jones, 1931 to 2024.