I Am Not Wet


Many have commented recently about what a wonderful premiere of On Cinema it was on Christmas Day. What a wondeful episode it was to be able to reccomend some movie that are in the movie theater for you to see. It’s simply what we do on the show and I’m happy to be back in the host chair doing my job, providing a venu for my guest who is an expert on movies to tell our viewors about the movies coming out this week.

However, thare are some rare cases where some have suggested I am wet.

I am not wet.

I am simply using a very advanced body oil that moustorouses my skin in a very wonderful way!! Have those who made this comment (very few have) even tried to combined water with oil? THey are opposites of each other! Even a 4th grador knows this differnece. so, therefore if I am using oil on my skin how then could I be wet? I am not, that’s the point!

Most likely those who are making such comments have dry skin, which can lead to cracked skin and then infections.

if only they applied oil that would have smoother skin!

Luckly I don’t care what this slim minority says about this (or their other opinions.) but it’s important to take care of your skin, eapeially doing this time of year.