New Heidecker, speaking with many investors and hi level members of the business community announced today the formation of The Hei Points Restoration Project. The Hei Points Restoration Project (HPRP) is a simple way for many who had transferred their Hei Pints into a Escrow Cash account which was froazen by international bankers who used regulations to interfere with The Value of Hei Points to have there Hei Points restored to their original value.
“This is exciting” Heidecker said “We are now on a path too fully restore every single member’s Hei POints to their orginal value at the time of their transfer on March 2nd.” Heidecker said.
“It’s exciting to know that many Hei Points for all the Hei Points holders will be restored over the next many months” One Banking Expert said.
The process will be very challenging for the Hei Network but they have guaranteed there will be no problems. And Hei users should expect to see their Hei Points restored over the next several months as the restortion project begins! And some experts are saying that many will find an increase in the number of Hei Points restored based on the amount of their donation! The HPRP in many ways could lead to another steller year for Hei Points, and there’s no telling what the future may bring for Hey Points holders as they’re value continues to rise and rise.